We recently purchased the Netflix Player by Roku and signed up for the $8.99/month (1 DVD at-a-time) plan with NetFlix. This probably has been one of the best purchases in the past few years. Yeah, the selection of instant isn’t that expansive.
That is, until this week.
This week, Netflix announced agreements with CBS and the Disney Channel to stream current shows. For most people, that probably doesn’t mean a lot, but for our family, it’s a pretty big deal.
Thanks to everyone that came out to the Charlotte JUG for tonight’s presentation on Spring 101: Spring Core. I hope everybody walked away learning something new.
Here’s the links to a number of sites that I mentioned throughout the night:
SpringFramework.org Documentation Spring By Example Terracotta Platform Support Development Environment Setup as prescribed by Matt Raible Inversion of Control Containers and the Dependency Injection pattern Spring MVC and Security Slides Articles from Wheeler Software XML Syntax Sugar in Spring 2.
The update for the iPod Touch was available on Tuesday, along with iTunes 8. I promptly updated my Mac to the latest and greatest (sorry, PC, you get to wait a few days) then updated my Touch. I see the version is 2.1 (5F137), so that’s nice. I’m digging around for cut and paste. . .hmmm. . .nowhere to be found. Sigh. . .
Here’s hoping something else shows up Friday, but I’m not holding my breath.
For those of us with iPhones and iPod Touches, today’s announcement from Apple’s music related event at Yerba Buena today about the next version of OS X being released Friday is nothing but good news. Again, no exact listing of what is in 2.1 except that it’s a big update and it fixes a lot of bugs.
Will it have cut and paste? I sure hope so. . .
I’m going to be doing a presentation at the Charlotte JUG entitled “Spring 101: Core Spring” on September 18th at 6:00pm. The other cool thing is DZone has provided the full color Spring Configuration RefCardz by Craig Walls to hand out on a first come first serve basis.
For more information on the meeting, visit the Charlote Java User Group site.